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I love you my little baby boy. Although I can't feel your little hands or feet, or rub your tiny tummy, I can feel you. I feel all your kicks and hits, your tiny infant hiccups, when you roll or snuggle under my ribs or lower pelvis and make me feel so uncomfortable. I know you're there.
I will give you everything that your little heart needs. If you're good, you'll get more. You earn everything that you want. I'll make sure I push you in school and to play sports. I'll support you when you need a shoulder to cry on. I'll love you when you need me to cuddle you. I'll be there for you every step of the way. I'll be what you need me to be in order to get ahead in life.
I love you my little baby. I love you and I thank God for you. My little baby boy. I can't wait to meet you and hold you. 11 more weeks. I love you.

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