any more plus mums on here I've been made to feel being big is gonna stop me having a normal delivery I'm only a size 22 I've put 7lb since being pregnant and my baby weighs 8lb according to growth scans so technically I haven't put any on lol I've got 1 week 6 days and now I'm Terrified this is my second baby but there 10 year between I gave birth natural in 4 hours but I was only a size 16 anyone relate or give me advice my blood pressure is a little high and I think that's the reason so I need positivity

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Size really doesn't effect your pregnancy and birth although hospitals like to make you think they do. My little boy was 8lb 12oz at birth and I had to have emergency forceps not because I'm a bigger girl but because he was back to back. My cousin is a size 12 and had to have an emergency c section because her birth didn't go as planned. Xx
30.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I haven't got either I've had the most perfect pregnancy my blood pressure was raised when I went to hospital yesterday after they said all that I just want him in my arms so I can love him and it all to be over feel they spoiled my pregnancy xxx
30.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@tasha693, im a size 16 and had to have an assisted delivery. my sister in law is a size 20 and has had 3 normal deliveries. her youngest was born in under 4 hrs. yr size doesnt mean a thing hunni. its just the bigger u r the more risk there is of things like high bp and gestational diabetes x
30.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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