my baby girl is one month and 5 days old. shes always been kinda fussy but the past 5 or so days shes been more fussy then normal! today and yesterday she has cryed me to death i dont know what to do i feel like i wanna cry. ive tryed cuddleing her wraping her in a blanket tight. any mommas have any suggestions! her dr said she may have tough of colic. HELP PLEASE

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At 6 weeks babies often have a growth spurt. You can look up when (what age) growth spurts normally happen. My baby girl just went thru the 6 week one and had a lot of the same issues. Colic calm helped. White noise helped her to sleep longer. Baby-wear is awesome and I would walk outside with her for fresh air, it helped her :) good luck momma it will get better
30.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
could be a growth spurt, they'll start to cluster feed. do you breastfeed? maybe just letting her pacify on you... maybe try rocking her like your dancing. I know when my son was that age I was do the 'slow, slow, quick- quick slow'. worked like a charm. maybe we en try finding a calming song that you can sing well, (if you can't sing like me) dance to it while singing or humming and she may calm down. I think it reminded my son of the womb. oh and do the heart beat pat at the same time- worked very well. also a warm bath and nursing in the shower works well. take her for a walk at night outside while holding her. if you have a carrier.. that helps. and maybe try reading to her, just the sound of my voice ps my 29mo to bed all to this day when I'm reading. and I read novels to him now. not only children's books. that always works to calm him. um... oh and rain cd is always playing in our bedroom (we co-bed sleep since 5/6mo) so he sleeps well with the 'uterus' sound. plus the white noise keeps me and my hubby asleep, bc my 2yr is a loud dream nurser. maybe bc I have lil boobs 😂😂😂) but that sound works, also vacuum while baby wearing. the sound reminds them of the womb. ♡♡♡that's all I can think of now. ♢♢♢good luck dollin. if you need to put her in her crib and take a hot 10 min shower for you to regroup and relax. she'll be fine. ❤❤❤hugs
30.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thats what i was gonna say , is a growth spurt... my baby is just SPOILED and wont sleep without me touching him. I put a stop to that, now he will only sleep in his swing... try a swing.
30.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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