Don't feel bad! I was the same way, it took about a month before I completely fell in love. I was so traumatized by labor that I just couldn't relax and bond with her. I just wanted time by myself but I had to suck it up and take care of a baby, plus the lack of sleep, all the demands of breastfeeding including how painful it was at first and so many people around in the beginning and she looked nothing like I expected, I always thought she'd look just like me, but she didn't I really couldn't believe it at first that she was even mine. It got better once my pain from healing decreased and the pain/shock from labor started to fade from memory, also when breastfeeding became easier and when friends and family left us alone. I actually had time to get to know my baby and spend time alone with her. She's two months old now and I'm beyond obsessed with her! Just give it time mama! As long as you are taking good care of baby that's what makes you a good mom sometimes the bond comes a lot later. With my sister it took a year and half with her third kid. It's common, hang in there! π