BabyJ is nearing 10 months old. He's still nursing several times a day. I have not had my first period since he was born yet, which is unusual for me.
For the last 2 or 3 months I have had mild cramping on and off. In the last 2 weeks the cramping has become a daily occurrence and it's accompanied by a mucous discharge (similar to discharge that I had while I was pregnant).
I keep thinking that my body is just preparing for the first postpartum cycle, but after so long I'm beginning to worry that maybe something's wrong. Has anyone had a similar experience?
I constantly felt crampy like my period would be starting and then it didn't. I didn't get my first postpartum period until a few days before my son turned one. From the sound of it, I think your body is just getting ready for your cycle to start up. At least, that's what happened to me.