Yes, my twins are big time thumb suckers. Kind of wish I'd done paci's. A friend had the "paci-fairy" come because they "were big girls and didn't need them anymore."
^exactly what @nakenzie said. you can take pacifiers away but can't take their fingers away lol. My son had one until he was two snd everyone talked bad about it that it was ruining his teeth and delaying his speech blah blah And I asked the dentist and shr told me that the way pacifiers are, the only way it will ruin their teeth is if they havr it in 24/7. I only used it as a daughter still has one at a year old. she was almost off of it, she just didn't want it anymore then she started daycare and all ghe other babies had one so she kept wanting hers.
I had identical twins, they are 11 now, i wish they would have used a pacifier but they were never interested they sucked their thumb and the other her finger. i am now spending thousands on braces. i think pacifiers are great and easier to ween. my nephew's used them. you can take pacifiers away, you cant take away fingers or thumbs lol.