Chelsea Marie
Chelsea Marie
My daughter is 5 days old and seems to have trouble sleeping at night. During the day she has no problem sleeping in her swing or anything, but at night she will not sleep in anything unless someone is holding her. I've literally been living off an hour of sleep a night because of this. I've had to rely on my mom sleeping next to her for me to get any rest but I am so terrified of her suffocating in their sleep! I don't know what else to do. I have a toddler to care for too and no help during the night unless my mom comes to stay the night. I need some advice from mamas! Please. So desperate.

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Your baby sounds like my daughter , she started doing that at the hospital and we could not get her to sleep or calm down , the nurses would swaddle her and she would unswaddle herself spitting out the pacifier , i was on no sleep super frustrated with a crying baby all night , i would call the nurses to come help me and they would swaddle her again and she would unswaddle herself , until finally a nurse came in my room and shes like you know what , your baby is a cuddle baby , im like i know i can tell but i cant get no sleep if i have her in my arms what if i drop her , and let me tell you i was beyond exausted , so she said if you want to get some sleep you need to sleep with her make it work , im like how am i suppose to sleep with her here in a hospital bed what about if she falls, and she said if you want to sleep thats what you have to do because your baby just wants to be near you , so we put chairs all around my hospital bed and my baby slept with me , she stopped crying and actually let me get some sleep , nurses would check on us every 30 min , and after that i could never get her to sleep in her bassinet she sleeps with me , and shes 4 months now. So maybe your baby just wants to be close to you , i always said i would never co-sleep my daughter has a bassinet and crib , but in order for me to get sleep i had to and continue to co-sleep.
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
This sounds silly, and idk if you already have one, but a night light maybe, if it's really dark. I had the same problem when my daughter was a week old. our room had a dim night light, but it wasn't enough for her, so I got a brighter night light and she had no problems after that. and she slept in a bassinet at night.
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I swear by these things.. I bought what they call pods from babies r us when my daughter was first born. it's like being swaddled but it zips completely up, keeping babies arms and legs in. only thing out is the babys head. I loved the ones I got for my daughter. she slept soooo peacefully, no joke. she still woke up for her normal feedings but still. I also had a co sleeper and my daughter seemed to enjoy being in that. really comes in handy. one more thing.. I had bought my daughter a monitor that clips to her diaper, called a snuza. it detects her breathing and if she ever stopped for longer than 20 seconds, an alarm would sound. I swear it's the best thing I've bought for my daughter and for my own peace of mind! they are kinda expensive.. [$120] but it's amazing!
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
this might sound dumb. but you an try keeping her up on the day time more then letting her sleep. and at night she should sleep more..I knew a momma that had a sleep sechdule for her baby at 1 week and it worked out for her.
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe try putting one of your shirts with her in her bassinet and keep swaddling her and swaddle her very tight that's what we had to do for our son. I just didn't want him to sleep with me so I kind of forced him for the first few nights then he got use to it. I think being consistent with sleeping arrangements makes a huge difference. Best advice is just deal with the sleepless nights so she can get use to her bassinet. Also I would try the little remedies gas drops before you feed her to help with any discomfort
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@edomke, usually I feed her (try to burp her but she doesn't burp) change her then put her in her bassinet swaddled. But last two nights we have just tried putting her in her swing unswaddled because she kept getting her hands out. Then during the night I usually feed her til she falls asleep, try to burp her then lay her back down and she wakes up immediately but if she is cuddled on me she'll sleep fine. Right now she is laying next to my mom passed out so I'm not sure :/
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Also does she cry? How long do you let her cry if she does? Do you swaddle her ?
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
What do you do when you try to put her to sleep at night and where does she sleep? Then I'll go from there
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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