Hey ladies just a quick post seeking advice. This is a photo posted on Facebook of my daughter at my ex's mums house when she was 4 months old. As you can clearly see there is an opened beer can on the table. This photo was posted at 3 in the afternoon on a Tuesday so presumably taken at a similar time. Is this good evidence for court against my ex, mostly him being an irresponsible alcoholic as the photo shows. He had his 3 year old son at the same time and he could have ended up drinking that if he was left unattended. I'd be using a screenshot of the actual post with who posted it and the date and time. This is hopefully enough to prove he drinks whilst having contact with his children.
I've enjoyed a cider during the day on a few occasions. At a BBQ or sitting in the garden with family. As @winterbaby95 said it's not a crime or irresponsible if only 1 or 2. But I understand your concerns as you said he is an alcoholic. But unfortunately I don't think this would be proof of anything :-/
Its a tough one hun...but you are allowed to drink while being with your kids (a responsible amount)...my mum did... And yeah..you cant prove if it was of the current...last night or someone else...or if the 3 year old wasnt being supervised...it could be empty xxx
@mamapop, I wouldn't say so, sorry :( it's all circumstantial, as @raych says there's no proof he's directly drinking it, or that he would leave the kids unattended and leave them open to drinking it. It's all assumptive. I really hope you get it sorted tho. There's nothing worse that worrying your kid isn't safe. Good luck ❤️❤️ xxx
unfortunately not, he isn't drinking the can in the pic so he could say it was from the night before or isn't his. if your having these concerns hun then I think you need to ring social services. at the end of the day she is your daughter and you have every right to share your concerns with them. it annoys me that people can't just wait to have a drink!! hope your OK xxx