my first son was formula fed because he was in the nice for about 24 hrs so he was bottle fed and since I have large areola he was not latching although he did get bm in the bottle. his colic and straining was horrible even resulted in a minor hernia until I switched to nutramigen at 5 months. after that he was a normal happy baby. this time around I tried to only bf but my din got jaundice so he to was in the nursery for about 2 days where he got firmula. he would latch only for a few minutes and then pull away later to know it was because of my large areolas. I ended up supplementing only a couple times but he started getting the same symptoms as his brother. I didn't drink soda, or dairy and limited gassy foods but he was still excessively crying and straining. his bowel movementSD were still nearly black at weeks, I just couldn't see him staining any longer so I am not only bottle feeding nutramigen and within 2 feedings her stool changed. he was happy, and his stomach wasn't rock hard. I feel guilty he only breastfed for one month but I honestly feel I'm doing the best for him. there is a superstition that my mood affects my breast milk and because I am under a lot of stress and getting upset it might have caused a negative reaction while breast feed h.

Лучший комментарий


@autumnrae, thank you! thank you for telling me that, it makes me feel a lot better! !
15.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
well your not!!! My daughter w
refused to gain weight know breastmilk alone and when I started to supplement high calorie formula my supply depleted and we chose to only formula feed after that! Obviously she wasn't getting what she needed from it so we quit! it's okay not to we are still awesome moms for knowing what's best for our children!!! Don't feel bad momma you rock:)
15.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@autumnrae, I just feel bad because everyone seems to push it but I just didn't feel comfortable knowing how he was struggling and how he was in pain. I went through it with my first and I didn't want him tomgo.thepigh it. So many people look down on formula feeding that it made me feel like a.bad mother .
15.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
hun a fed baby is what matters!! Some babies bf just isn't an option!
15.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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