@housfullofgrls, you can look up the studies on how inaccurate predicting baby weight can be especially later in pregnancy. But when you're around 20-30 weeks its usually only off +/-1-2lbs. It's just hard to get an accurate measurement when the baby is all sorts of squished up and moving around a lot.
I got an ultrasound at about 36 weeks and my doctor estimated the baby's weight around 3.5 lbs and she said it was normal and fine then I popped out my son and he weighed 9lbs 5oz lol my doctor was shocked and was like oh my gosh I guess I was way off! I wouldn't stress about it.
it can and it can't . that's the joy of it . but honestly 4 pounds for 33 weeks is not bad . I'm 34 weeks and my baby is only 4 pounds and 3 Oz .
don't stress it .
no your baby is at a good weight..
i looked it up its 1/2 a pound a week sorry..and ultrasounds arnt always correct..the further along you are the harder it is really tell the weight
i think its healthy...idk if im wrong but i remwmber reading somewhere that babjes gain about 1lb a week durribg the last few weeks in the womb...my son was born weighing 6lb..super healthy
OMG Thankyou girls ❤️ @housfullofgrls @firsttimegypsymama I've been low key freaking out because they are telling me he's to small for 33 weeks and his legs a slight off the length they should be and I'm just getting so scared