Had Autumn weighed today at 5 days old and she has lost 14oz already!!! 😔 that's so disappointing and has made me doubt if I'm doing the right thing by breastfeeding.
How much did your little ones lose at your first check?
My baby boy Harrison went from 10lbs 4oz down to 9lbs 9.5oz in 4 days. I'm bottle feeding but the midwife said it is perfectly healthy for babies to lose a bit of weight after birth. 2 days later he was 9lbs 13oz so he's gaining it back quickly 😊
@jodieiokie Yes...thats what I mean hun...20-30mins on each breast/new feed :) She may not be getting enough hind milk with only being on 10 mins...my midwife said to tickle them...stroke/nudge them if they are falling asleep...My girl does it all the time...I pull away slightly and she starts sucking again xx
They said that they allow a 10% loss which she has lost exactly that. I'm feeding on demand. She went 4 hours without a feed in the night last night but most other times it's about every 2 hours. She only feeds for about 10 minutes then she's flat out most times and I've been told to only feed from one breast at each feed otherwise she won't get the fatty hind milk. @winterbaby95 @sara-lou xx
All babies loose weight within the first week. Then they start to put it on. If it was a concern I'm sure the midwife would have given you some advice so don't worry 😊
Then she started putting a lb on a week! :) I'm still breast feeding now :) the weight gain settles down with the first month or so :) Are you feeding 20-30mins on each breast? Are you feeing on demand? xxx
mine lost 3oz after two days but soon packed it and more back on. I breastfed too X as long as baby is satisfied after feeding I wouldn't worry too much x