💗MY LABOUR STORY💗 (it's a long one)
My little girl Autumn was born on Friday 9th September at 4.51am weighing 8lb 6oz.
So, I expected my labour to be fast. My labour with my son 4 years ago lasted 7 hours from first contraction to him being born and according to most mothers, second labours are usually quicker so I was prepared!
I was 40 weeks & 6 days and so fed up! I went to bed early as I was super tired... Then at 12.30am I woke up to a huge gush of my waters breaking. I was in a daze still as it woke me so I thought that I'd peed myself. I jumped up very quickly and then realised it was pouring down my legs. Went to the toilet to find my pants completely and utterly drenched so I cleaned myself up, put on a pad and ran downstairs to tell my OH.
I rang the labour ward to ask what I should do and they advised id have to come into hospital to check it was my waters and just be monitored for a short time. We set off straight away and arrived there at about 1am. I was on the monitor for about 30 minutes and I had only had one vey very mild contraction the whole time so the midwife booked me for induction for 24hrs and sent me on my way. I felt completely fine.
We were almost home at 2.10 and I noticed the first painful contraction... Once we got in, we both got straight into bed and attempted to get some sleep. I woke up at 3 and asked my OH to get me a hot water bottle and some painkillers then tried to get some more sleep. I lasted until 3.40 with contractions about 10/20 minutes apart (I didn't time them at this point) then I thought I needed a bath... Got in the bath to find that it intensified my contractions significantly! I stayed in about 20 minutes and I couldn't take it anymore so I got out and dressed then sat on the bed and that was it, they started hitting me fast and strong! I lay moaning for what felt like a life time and I couldn't understand why they were coming so strong as I'd not been in labour for long. I decided to time them and after only timing 5 of them, it was apparent that it was time for the hospital. They were lasting 45 seconds and just over 1 minute apart. I did my best to get dressed and walk to the car. The drive was the longest drive ever even though we sped the whole way. We arrived at hospital at 4.30am and was put in a wheel chair and wheeled upto the labour ward. I climbed onto the bed and the midwife attempted to examine me to which she said the head wasn't there... She went out for 1 minute and came back and I said I could feel the head. She lifted up the blanket and there she was... Head hanging out! 🙈 the next contraction brought my little bundle of joy into the world. 💗
I cannot believe that I managed to hold the baby in all the way there and she was born so easily! AND I didn't even tear! 😂😂