Is there anything that I can eat to help produce my milk supply? I really haven't had an appetite which means I haven't really been eating much. I've been taking my prenatal vitamin still but seems like babygirls appetite is increasing and doesn't seem like my milk supply is. I'm still only able to pump maybe 2.5-3 oz. that's out of both breast combined most of the time. If anyone has any advice please help, thank you!!

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Thank you very much @me scruz0530
13.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hi mama so I saw your post and instead of re writing what I just wrote to someone else I'm just going to copy it so if it doesn't match up to your situation I apologize but I hope it helps! The best thing you can do is feed on demand every chance you get and stay hydrated you can try super foods such as avocado,almonds, oatmeal (not instant) etc. idk if you had your baby yet but if your going off of the amount of colostrum your getting, don't. You body works off of supply and demand the more your baby demands the more your body will supply when your baby is born their tummy is tiny about the size of a marble (don't quote me on that but it's tiny) so even if you only have a little bit of colostrum that's all your baby needs ! As long as your baby is making enough pee and poop diapers then you are good . It's not recommended to pump the first six weeks because you can cause your body to have an over supply. Your baby can actually get more milk out than the pump can so a lot of times moms think they aren't making enough milk because of how much they pump when really that's not the amount of milk your actually producing ! The best thing to do is feed on demand and stay hydrated I never pumped and measured how much I fed my daughter I knew she was getting enough and till this day I haven't had an issue with my supply . I drink mothers milk tea on occasion but I try to just eat breastfeeding super foods and lactation smoothies . You can look on Pinterest they have lists of superfoods as well as easy recipes for lactation smoothies, shakes, cookies, and more! Feel free to message me if you need any help :)
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
No I Pump every now and then :) @bianca_rose
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Do you exclusively pump? Because there's not a true indication of what baby gets at the breast, also 3 oz is a good amount to pump
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
sounds like you need to increase your calories. also your coming to a point when she will start cluster feeding (growth spurt) and it may seem like she is never full.
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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