lol i assume you're on the hormone free one since you're bf . i know they say once your baby is eating solids your chances go up more to getting pregnant because the baby isnt only drinking milk. and the breast feeding horomone supresses the reproductive hormone thats why some women dont have little to no periods i find ot interesting lol i was on BC but i stopped so i can get pregnant lol my LO is 11months
I was wondering the same thing 🤔 I'm 5 months PP and i exclusively breastfeed, and I haven't had a period and I have no idea when I'm ovulating. so everytime my husband and I do "things" I'm always afraid that I'll end up pregnant😂 even though I'm on birth control lol
oh yeah i know that i just want to know if it happen to someone on here lol i know i ovulate cause i cramp every so often every month so i figured im ovulating . but i did the deed the other day and im wondering if i may get pregnant later on im not sure if i was ovulatiing
I haven't but it's definitely possible. Just because you don't have periods doesn't mean you don't ovulate. You still ovulate while breastfeeding therefore you can become pregnant.