Baby shower is tomorrow and everyone's frantic. This is what happens when you invite 130 people to a baby shower. Words of advice to anyone having a shower, don't be a control freak, if someone wants to host it, let them and don't try and help. It will make you crazy. Also, baby showers are expensive keep the guest list low or don't serve full on dinner lol

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Girl goodluck it's a hassle I had like more than 80 people at mine and I was up and down talking to everyone and trying to sit people cuz their was no room. I was thinking my Babyshower was gonna end late but nope by 8:30 everyone was gone I was so exhausted😩
10.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kenitra, yeah seriously. I have the place for 6 hours but I was like no! Cut it to 3, I cannot deal. I wish I had like 20 close girlfriends but it's like all his family and all my family. Most of my friends can't even go 😑
10.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
We had about 60-70 people at ours and limited it to 3 hours. It was stressful! I didn't even eat until after because I had to talk to everyone. I see why people have smaller women only showers!!
10.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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