baby wearing mamas, what carrier do you recommend ?? I have a Moby wrap and a baby ktan and a sling. the sling is too small for my son now and the ktan is nice but difficult for me to get him in and situated on my own. I like the reviews and looks of the Infantino and the price !! but how can such a good carrier only be 25-50 dollars when the Ergobaby is over 100 dollars. any opinions are appreciated ! thanks

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If you plan on carrying them past 9-12 months, I'd go Ergo Baby. I have a bit of experience with both, and Infantino isn't going to last as long.
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
How old is your baby?
14.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I use a tula and it is so beyond worth the money for it my daughter loves being out in hers and hates getting out she will cry when we take her out LOL
09.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have a beco and I absolutely love it. It's not hard to get her in it once you're used to it. And from experience as a nanny, it is still comfortable and easy to use with an older baby as well. It disperses the weight well and supports your back. I got mine for $100 but it's worth it. You can look for them used as well. The only thing I've heard about the infantino is that people have had it cut circulation to their babies legs. And I've noticed that babies legs hang down straight in the infantino and you want them to be in more of a sitting position because it's better on their hips
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I bought a used Lillebaby. But my little one isn't here yet. 💙
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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