I have had a few really rough days with my lo, and I can't help but think I was not actually supposed to have kids. I can't handle her screaming all the time...I try everything and nothing calms her down. it has been almost a year since I quit smoking but between her screaming and my high stress job I'm about to start again! I don't know why God would give me this miracle when I quite obviously can't handle it emotionally. 😭😭😭 She deserves so much better than me.
Ohhhh, These Hard days will pass surely! Just be strong, think that there so many girls that dream about that miracle to have a baby, and you have this one😊 it's amazing! Scream will not be forever, you are the best mom for your baby! 🌺
What your feeling is so normal. Every mom feels that way. Don't let it get to you. Stressing out about being a good mom means that you are a good mom. Keep up the good work!
@kdchaos, @ahauge6 Thank you both. I appreciate your kind words. I hope it ends soon. though I highly suspect there will be many more days like this! Thanks again.... it did help a little to hear from you both!
We all have those days. I know I do. You got this. 💕 Take a break for yourself if you can find the time. I know it's hard to do with babies and work but, it'll benefit you a lot 💜