I'll be 21 in November the 28 I have 2 beautiful kids who I love with all my heart.. I have so many hopes and dreams.. I would love to go to college and be something I would like to study for early childhood or photography I would like to buy a better ride then what we have now.. Also i eould like to move out of my mom's basement. I have so many hospital bills from when my kids were born and because of that my credit is bad I would love to pay them to better my credit.. my husband is the only one who works and I stay at home with the kids. He's working to save up for his Imagration papers. I would also like to work to do what I want to but if I do then we will have to pay babysitting for 2 and if I find a job it will be sat and Sunday to and people don't want weekends.. Well anyways what do you guys think?! Do you think that I'm dreaming and what I want isn't possible!

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I only pay $4.50/ hr for 2 kids for daycare.. which isn't too bad if they are only there when both me and my SO are working. anything is possible. just be creative and open minded!
05.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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