@itsjasmine, my daughter wakes up and cries and sometimes will fall back to sleep on her own but most of the time needs me to comfort her. I wait a few minutes before getting her just to see. if that's what you are talking about then no I don't think he gives up. I'm more talking about parents that put the baby in the crib and don't go back in to get them until morning. You won't spoil a baby or create a monster. Babies cry when something is wrong that's how they communicate.
@babyg407, So my one month old can soothe himself every once in awhile. Does that mean then that he just gave up because I wouldn't comfort him? Honest question.
@byea .i mean i heard its good for their lungs. but im sure its not good for long periods of time. that has to hurt their throat after a while. i do not baby her at all. im just on top of everything and 5 steps ahead so i know what she needs. i hold her only to burp her.
It's a myth that babies can sooth to sleep. They are not capable of that yet. It comes with development just like walking, talking, etc. People that let babies cry it out are not helping them sooth they are teaching them mom won't comfort you at this time. They stop crying after a few days because they give up.
My baby is 4 months, trust me you're creating a monster. I know it's hard to let them cry but my baby had no idea how to soothe herself, it was harder trying to correct the problem. It breaks my heart but I wish I wouldn't let her cry a little when younger.
I've never let mine cry at all, n now I get told she's too spoil but of course she has to be spoil that's what I'm here for ☺️ I don't think it's bad at all