Tarvez Ferrell
Tarvez Ferrell
any mamas struggle with letting their husbands take over some of the responsibilities for baby because some things they just don't do right I figured I let hubby bathe her and he just doesn't realize how much she moves and let the baby slide all the way down in her tub and got a lot of water in her ears smh hopefully it won't bother her

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I'm this way too! I give him a bath and I put him to bed! My husband still hasn't put him in his car seat so we're doing a training session soon since he will have to pick him up for a couple of days.
03.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I get so stressed out with this. I did everything myself with my first until he was like 6 months and it wasn't a big deal because it was just one kiddo. now with 2 I need the help especially if we are getting ready to go some place but he always makes so much more work for me. I kid you not, every single time I ask him to change a diaper he gets poop literally every where. Now I just try to give him jobs when we aren't rushed so he can get practice in but those are rare times... baby is a huge mama's boy already so he always starts crying with him and it's back to mama he goes
03.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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