So I get home from hospital yesterday around 5 and I feel good as soon as I had him but I guess to good to be true.. I start getting pain from the right side of my butt down radiating my right leg.. Well when I pushed the baby out I irritated a nerve, so I have that sciatic nerve really bad and can't walk right now.. Worst time for this to happen to me, I want to take care of baby.. 😞

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Yes Girl @squishy3 I was in horrible pain as well and luckily I didn't deal with it during pregnancy either ❤️ my baby JR and I are doing great thank you!!
03.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Omg! It's horrible, I've cried and I need assistance to go to the restroom.. I haven't been able to do anything at all.. I'm glad it didn't happen during the pregnancy.. I would here about this but never knew how painful it was.. I hope your doing good with your little one..:) @babyjrsmomma
02.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel ya @squishy3 I totally been dealing with sciatic nerve as well 😬🙋🏻 when I was still in hospital I almost couldn't walk from the darn nerve!! I hope you feel better Momma
02.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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