Any moms have their babies around 34 weeks? Wanted to hear stories. In the hospital and my Dr is anticipating me delivering anytime in the next week or so.
@rainbow0601, @dreamie702 @meli2890 @m_a_z_k_foster Thanks ladies. Ive been here over a week for low fluid. At first mtly Dr said goal was 36 weeks now she is saying I wont make it that long and Im thinking she may just have me deliver soon. As early as next week. Baby is still growing and doing great so that helps! Im 33 weeks today
had my first born at 35 weeks emergency C-section my placenta rupture 😢.. he weighed 4lbs he was in the nicu for about 6 weeks... but he was getting better everyday... now he's a crazy 6 year old lol
Had my son at 33 weeks he only spent 3 weeks in the hospital and is now healthy and 3 years old and had my daughter at 35 weeks and only spent 4 days in the hospital due to sugar levels and jaundice
I had a friend who's daughter was born via C section at 34 weeks. She was in the NICU for her breathing for 30 days. But couldn't be doing any better. She's 6 months now. Happy and healthy