Thank you @tg123456789 @peachesx Well you want a job done do it yourself and leave out the shit midwife!
Got seen by Dr Seb- he was a very chirpy guy. He said if I was his wife he would want the baby out by Monday.
He did an internal examination to see if my waters had been leaking ( as my amniotic fluid levels are quite low) and then a sweep. I have progressed to 2cm since Tuesday and after the sweep I am now having my 'bloody show'.
I have to go in to the hospital tomorrow morning for monitoring, then back again on Saturday morning, and if baby not here by Sunday- I will have an induction!
Got seen by Dr Seb- he was a very chirpy guy. He said if I was his wife he would want the baby out by Monday.
He did an internal examination to see if my waters had been leaking ( as my amniotic fluid levels are quite low) and then a sweep. I have progressed to 2cm since Tuesday and after the sweep I am now having my 'bloody show'.
I have to go in to the hospital tomorrow morning for monitoring, then back again on Saturday morning, and if baby not here by Sunday- I will have an induction!