How long for a baby to cry for something to be reallyyy wrong? I had no idea what was wrong with Ethan and I felt terrible but i also wanted to blow my brains out. He's finally asleep, but I don't know what it was😥

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I hope it gets better! It truly is miserable and its super hard when you don't know how to help them. Hoping it isn't colic! The rule of three is crying for more than 3 hours per day, more than 3 days a week, and for longer than 3 weeks. "Purple crying" is way more manageable! I also put my LO in wraps and carriers when he is screaming bc it either tricks him into thinking he is hungry or he will fall right asleep out of comfort. Stay strong, mama! ❤️
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@emilyd, thanks so much!..I just googled that
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Babies begin a period called "purple crying" at 6 weeks that can continue until 3 months. When this occurs, babies honestly have no idea why they are crying. They are just crying to cry. If you get frustrated, just step away for a few minutes... Or a half hour. Whatever you need to stay sane. You could even call a friend or family member to come sit with you and take your mind off the fact that your baby is screaming his/her head off. I usually put one headphone in and knock out some of my chores while my LO is screaming.
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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