Renee Nicole
Renee Nicole
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My poor little girl is sick. I had the flu and was hoping like hell she wouldn't get it. She's 8 weeks old :( and so congested it is hard for her to eat. She does but it takes a while. She only had symptoms for about 24 hours. After 48 hours is when the high fever chills body aches and the worst of the other symptoms really kicked in. I'm hoping she doesn't get all of that especially the sore swollen throat. My poor gal.
Anyone have any suggestions for helping an 8 week old that's sick

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humidifier, baby vicks on feet, back, and chest, nose sucker
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son just had a cold too. He just turned 3 months but Dr. Zarbees brand makes a baby cough+mucus syrup for 2+ months. I was so happy when I found it. They also make a chest rub same ages. I got mine at walgreens. Or try a humidifier. And baby tylenol if she has fever.
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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