Had my appointment on Tuesday baby girl is heads down 6 lbs 7 oz and my midwife said we will most likely start the baby arrival process next tuesday if baby girl doesn't decide to come on her own sooner. I was also talking with my midwife about how I am extremely discouraged because I wanted no pain meds originally for this one, but my pain level has already been through the roof with my BH to the point were I am almost in tears. She said that my pain tolerance my be low due to the stress of my husband's cancer, trying to take care of everyone and everything and not being able to have any down time to focus on me or relax. She actually encouraged me to get the epidural due to the way I'm not feeling as though at this time I can handle a natural non medicated delivery. I was thankful for her telling me that the stress can be a factor in my increased pain and low pain tolerance, because I was starting to feel like a wimp since I was 5 cm with my son before I even went to the hospital. I am sooooo thankful for such an amazing midwife who is compassionate and understands my situation.

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Kudos to you for no epidural. I had to get one! The nurse even recommended it because I was fighting my contractions and she thinks that was prolonging me from dialating like I should of. And now I'm so comfortable and don't feel like my insides are ripping apart. My contractions were bad they started making me cry 😶
26.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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