we are still having some spells. we were told before we left she had an abnormal sized heart murmur pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary stenosis. we go back to the cardiologist Tuesday for further instructions
she is 10 days old today and we are getting discharged today to go home!! I am so happy and relieved that we are finally going home. I'm glad ur son is doing so much better!!
@momof5lovebugs, aww poor baby!! We're finally home now and he's doing sooo much better! He's up and crawling around everywhere now. Babies are little soldiers I tell ya! They heal so fast! In praying for your baby! I hope she keeps her oxygen up and is able to come home with you soon! How old is she?
@happymomma2211xox yea he has fluids in both his, but his right one was getting worse and worse so we had to intervene. He still has some in his left but it's staying the same. We didn't wanna operate on both cause if One fails at least he'll have his other one!
I'm glad u were able to finally get some air and take a breather. I'm sure u feel much better. how is feeling after everything? I've been dealing with alot over here in PICU. they tried to take her off the oxygen to monitor her earlier and within 15 minutes it had dropped to low and they put her back on it. they just removed it again to recheck her. they have agreed the lowest it can go is 87. she has been off the oxygen about 40 mins and has dropped to 79 twice but they r continuing to monitor to see if there is a pattern and how often and etc. it's so stressful😞 but I'm holding strong like we moms have to do😃
@momof5lovebugs, no he's just on the pediatric floor. They finally let one of my friends watch him so I can get some fresh air thank god I was about to go nuts. Usually a parent has to stay in there at all times. They don't have a nursery or anything
I can only imagine how he feels poor baby. my girl is only 7 days so she sleeps mostly unless she is ready to feed. is he in a general room or like PICU like us?
@momof5lovebugs, we're hoping for tomorrow! Like they should allow us to go outside or something I mean Jesus. It'll drive you nuts sitting in here all damn day! And I hope your baby gets to come home soon too!!! He's wanting to crawl but can't cause he's all hooked up to everything. So he gets aggravated.
my daughter is in PICU and I am so ready to just take my baby home! I hate not being able to be comfortable and she is def not comfortable being all hooked up