Hey ladies. my LO is just about 3 weeks, and all he wants to do is suck. we've introduced a bottle and he went smoothly from bottle to breast, no confusion. is it too early to introduce a pacifier? my nipples are just so tender from him wanting to be on them all time.
I can tell you what happens with me.. I moved a chase (but I'm sure a recliner would work too) into my bedroom. when I need to feed her I sit in it with the boppy on my lap. lay her on it in the cradle position. she nurses and I lay my head back.. sometimes I'm there long enough for her to eat and put her in the crib, and sometimes I've been there for as long as 4 hrs.. but I tell you what it's a good 4 hrs of sleep I may not have gotten. just saying.
I gave my baby a binky the first we and are not having any problems with latching.. Honestly mamma I think it's all up to you... But I say you go for..
that's completely normal at 3 weeks.. have you tried Co sleeping? I thought I was going to die at three weeks, not literally. .. but u was in tears because neither of us slept. it got better though.
My baby is 2 weeks and a couple of days. We had to introduce per to the pacifier already because of the same issue. It's still really early but it's helped me a lot. And it helps her sleep a lot better.