I'm pretty sure that I've been having contractions all night.... with my first when I was in labor they weren't very strong so I honestly can't really tell the difference between what contractions and Braxton Hicks feel like? How can I determine the difference?

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@ninanicole2, I have the full pains in my back as well. but with almost period like cramping, and my stomachs super hard. They haven't checked me for any dilation either which bothers me because I feel like at this stage and with how low she is, they would at least check to make sure. my friend Lauren had the same problems as me, went in to make sure everything was okay, they sent her home and said she was fine and then the next day she woke up in full blown labor and had her sometimes I just don't trust the doctors judgements.
20.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Well crap lol.
20.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would love to take a bath, only problem is...I'm stuck at work lol. @alexalexa
20.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was told take a nice bath and if the contractions stop, they are Braxton hicks. if not they are real contractions.
20.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah i had an ultrasound tuesday and she was head down and i swear they went on my lady bits to see her head. they didnt check for dilation though. im thinking about a hospital trip just to see if this is actual labor pains before its more like oh shit im in labor. ive been timing them and their still 45 minutes to an hour apart but im also getting a dull pain in my lower back. So i completely feel you on not knowing what to do.
20.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yesterday I went to the doctors for no movement the past two days and they found out that everything's fine but wouldn't do an ultrasound. Now all night at work it's been constant tightening and pain, alot of people told me that they get calm like that right before labor so I'm just worrying that shes going to come sooner than expected. I tend to ignore alot of my pains (I have a high pain tolerance) so I need to figure out how to determine the difference so I don't go do an unnecessary hospital visit. It's causing alot of pain in my back as well and I feel like she may have dropped lower, 4 weeks ago they said that she is already in the head down position and is extremely low. So I'm not sure what to think or expect.
20.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My dr said bh is less painful and less consistent. but i may be wrong. im in the same boat you are honestly.
20.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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