I think so! My oldest was a horrible sleeper. Didn't sleep through the night until he was 14 months old 😭 he would wake at least once every night sometimes twice. @motherof2taurusboys
@anap1012, lol well maybe my sons on the way he 3 months 3 days.. My oldest def slept through T the night at 3 months but he was Bf n formula.. This lil guy is just Bf
My daughter started sleeping through the night since she was around 3 months old. Completely breastfed. Oh and we co sleep too. I'm convinced that's the only reason she sleeps through the night lol
man drewsmommy, still a pretty good schedule! My son usually does a 12 3 and 8.. Sometimes he add the 5 and I don't like that but his def schedule is 12 3 8 I want to know when his 3 will be gone..he's bf
@motherof2taurusboys Yes but his father messed it all up so hes been going to bed at 10pm gets up at 4 and then gets up at 8. Before he was going to bed at 830pm then wakes up at 3am and gets up at 9am.
I love her schedule now ! it was so jacked up before she wouldn't go to sleep until five am ! then one day we woke her up early and had a busy day and ever since then she goes to sleep at 9:30
@mrscruz0530, I like her schedule! My sone slept through two nights..which makes me thinks he can but is looking for me he is three months three days.. I'm hoping he's getting closer to all the way through I'd take a 10-8 or 12-8 if he would lol
my daughter is going to be six months on the 29th she's been sleeping through the night since about 31/2 months she's asleep by like 9:30-8:30-9 then a nap about two hours after she wakes up . sometimes she'll wake up around five to eat but we Co sleep so I latch her on lol and she goes back to sleep and we exclusively breastfeed 😊
@andrewsmommy, does he have a schedule? My 3 month is doing 10:30 down wakes at 12, 3, 5 the 12 I'm up for the 3 n 5,I wake up for sometimes he skips the 5 and just 12,3 one night he did 12-7am made me think he CAN sleep through