Need some words of encouragement . My husband and I fell into hard times with me being put on bed rest . I worked volunteered and attended college beforehand . I made a post on Craigslist about needing help gathering some things for my daughter cause we don't have a large income and also for my home . We left a bad situation right before I got put on bed rest ..

This random dude messaged me telling me I am a worthless w***e and I should just end my life cause I am asking for help for my family .

I never asked for free hand outs I offered to baby sit , pet sit and take photographs . His email really upset me and now I feel heart broken cause I was already upset about needing help when I was the one whose always been able to help those in need .

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you let a complete stranger upset you? someone who knows nothing about you ? come on now ... screw him!
17.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
don't let someone you don't know and doesn't know you get to you.. internet courage is worse than liquid courage.. hr is an attention whore if anything, he could have scrolled on but chose not to.. its a choice of yours and yours alone to allow a stranger to affect you.. choose the better option and continue to strive to do what you can for you family..

3 "Fs" I live by: of they aren't feeding, fucking, or financing you.. FUCK THEM!!
17.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
just ignore him hun. he doesn't know you. he doesn't know your situation. when my SO and i started dating I was I months pregnant. it was just me. I got a little financial help but I lived with my dad. when. my son was born my SO wanted to buy everything and i pushed him away bc my son was his responsibility. no matter how bad I needed help, I pushed everyone away that tried to help. so when I broke down and let my SO buy diapers, I cried. I felt like I owed him. and he wouldn't let me pay him back. and now it's been almost 2 years nd we have moved in with each other .I'm a stay at home mom with my 2 step kids and my son, and we have money for bills, and money for food. and we have money to put into savings. things get better
17.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you @kambam
17.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
asking for help is one of THE hardest things to do. it doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you human. we've all been there or will be there someday.
that guy is a bad person and clearly bored to be shaming you. please ignore him. toxic people are worthless.
17.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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