breastfeeding and formula feeding both have advantages. for instance, breastfeeding provides a natural immunity from mommy, while formula gives daddy a good chance to bond with the baby while feeding. I breastfeed, but my husband also has to give my son bottles because I'm in the Army and get pulled away for duty often. no matter what you choose to do, a fed baby is what's important
i just want to say how this is a controversialtopic but i love how all this women instead 'f judging each other and just giving their best answer. so happy we can support each other without getting judgmental.
Probably not a good question this is a highly controversial topic but I sat breast is best and I know that doesn't sit well with others ... In the end a fed baby is a happy baby
I bf for a couple months with my son and switched to formula and I wish I would've stuck with bf. I was just lazy and didn't keep up with it. I will def bf my next. I suggest trying to bf fist and if you don't like it or find it isn't working you can always switch