How do you moms deal with fast letdowns and overall fast flow and feeding baby? Even if I pump before nursing, lay on our sides, sit her up, my milk flow is still fast and she cries while eating because she's overwhelmed and it also cause her to have to be burped alot during a session
@liza00, Yes this is the same thing that happens with my little one but we're not even a full 2 weeks so I know we still have time for us to get everything sorted out
Mine was same way. Caused her to choke. They will figure it out and your body will too. It will regulate your milk. What really helped for us was leaning back
@wiccanmommy, mommy I'm guessing I'll have to wait until she can latch better since my breast are big and nipples are flat and I try to unlatch her and she yells and if I leave her on she yells I'm like whaaaaaat do you want me to do honey I can never make her happy hopefully by a month old she'll get better at this
did you try the position where you lie back a time a 45° angle and baby is on your chest? I have a fast let down too, but my LO has learned to adjust. if it happens now she just let's go (and milk goes every where.. lol). the other thing is you could unlatch you LO when you feel you milk start to let down. keep a bottle or something nearby so you can catch it. just thoughts.