Laura Angell
Laura Angell
Okay so im 280 pounds (mostly muscle) and I have had a few people tell me I'm to fat to have children (they don't have kids) which doesn't make sense to me because I have friends who are heavier and have given birth to healthy children so is my weight okay or not I want to ask women who have kids I trust your opinion

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awww congratulations my hubby and I are waiting for results to see if we are going to be parents it so exciting like I will love it no matter the gender but I'm secretly hoping for a girl
16.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you like I'm 6"0 so idk if my weight is balanced or not all I know is I didn't appreciate that people who never had kids were telling I'm to fat to have them like apparently in there minds you have to be a toothpick or something
16.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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