Im 2 weeks PP. Do i wait the whole 6 weeks before sex or nah ? I had two stitches outside my VJJ lol and some inside so im thinking i should wait 8 weeks before sex ?
Lol thanks yall ima wait my sister told me she felt like a whole new woman when she finally got to have sex 😂 and i kinda figured its going to hurt @meme2393 @sabreycastro1996 @brantleysmommy25 @jayson21_41
I had second degree tear I ended up waiting 8 weeks cause it still hurt when I sat on the toilet so that made me scared haha but it was good I am glad I waited
i waited 8 weeks because i had a couple of stitches inside my female area. it's a little painful the first, I'd wait till you have your 6 week PP checkup
I wanted it so bad idc about the pain. But if you do have sec before 6 weeks make sure your using protection, lol. Your most fertile then. That's what my dr said and she was right. Me and my baby daddy ended up getting pregnant 5 weeks after my son was born but lost the baby