When do the hospital start worrying about reduced movements? I'm 20+2 and haven't felt my little boy move for a few days when he's normally really active 😁 x
@chloemarie, Phone hospital!!!! I'm 21&3 and went into hospital with reduced movements and they said to phone up as soon as you realise that baby's not moving and not to wait! Might be he's moved position but better to double check xxx
Yeah I used to go days without him moving too- still do!! Unless you're bleeding at this stage or in pain I doubt they'll do much, they told me just to focus on it for a few hours and I'd probably feel him but there wasn't much else they could offer xxc
He's been really quiet for the past few days, I've felt him since I was 12-13 weeks as he's my 3rd pregnancy, and normally he has a set routine and moves when I wake up and when I'm settling down before bed, but he hasn't for a few days and it just worries me due to having miscarriages in the past xx @sommerwills123 @pearlmarie