How many of you went into labor within 24 hours (give or take) of having sex? I was supposed to be induced Monday so my hubby & family could be present, but the hospital was booked & now I'm being induced later & my family has to leave. My ob gave me the go ahead to start self induction techniques to, at the very least, get me more dilated so I don't end up needing a c section. She said lots of sex & my friends & family have all said the same thing. In fact, everyone that's told me to have sex to get things going literally went into labor within an hour of having sex. I was 1 cm dilated & 50% effaced Tuesday before starting nipple stimulation & drinking red raspberry leaf tea. Idk if I'm more dilated but my contractions (which were already around 5 minutes apart & lasting over a minute when I was admitted to l&d on Sunday) have DEFINITELY gotten stronger. I'm wondering if what I'm doing is working or if sex will in fact help & how quickly it will help. I don't want to go into labor when I'm stuck at a rally downtown for instance haha.