How would you ladies feel if you and your baby's father weren't together and he wanted to bring his girlfriend around your newborn child? Would you ladies be okay with it or wait until your child is older?
@jennatess, I would meet her and she could possibly see the baby while I'm around but like @midwestgirl16 said I wouldn't just let her be with my son by herself even if he's there.
@mamabear041, I would tell him "when you've hit 3-4 months together, you come back to me and tell me if this is serious. If this is someone you could see spending the rest of your life with. If so. Then I'd love to meet her and go forward with her meeting our child."
@kambam, @jennatess I agree with you both. I don't want her to be around my newborn if they've only been dating for a little over a month. I think I will wait until they are together longer.
I wouldn't personally. its just weird and family should stay family. if he wants to see baby it should be solo until he decides to marry. then thats different.
I would be okay with it, only after they've been together for a few months, it was serious, and after I met her. I figure, it's so beneficial to approve of the new person, and establish a good relationship with them.