I can't get a hold of my OB right now so I figured I would check in here to see if anyone else has had this happen. I had a second degree tear when I gave birth and they stitched it up. I'm now 3 weeks pp. For a while I was having this stinging pain in that area and I felt like maybe I had torn my stitches. I took a look down there the other day with a mirror and there's like a slit at the bottom of my vagina so idk if it's healing right. Have any of you had this slit and been told that's normal? I just don't want it to heal improperly and then have to get it fixed later or something.

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@frankiesmama, no he didn't mention anything to me about issues later
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@addysonsmommy, did he mention if you would have any issues later on with it healing that way?
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@frankiesmama, it sounds like you tore your stitches that's the same feeling I had when I went in last week and my Dr told me I had ripped them. we opted not to re sew them because he said it would be more painful then dealing with them ripped
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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