Katie Nelson
Katie Nelson
72 days left until my due date! I can not wait! I'm so not excited for ny baby shower at the end of the month either. I am so ready to cancel it. I really am. today has been a pretty bad day. actually this whole week has sucked.

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In life I know from experience I'm 37 yrs old on my 3rd son.. friends come and go and if u can count on 1 hand real friends that s real. yeah many. family members are stressful ignore their calls.They have organization s that can help you get new or used in good condition baby items call your cities help line :()
09.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Oh I'm grateful for that. I am. I'm not grateful for the so called friends I have that want absolutely nothing to do with me or my children. I am stressed to my max because no one pays attention to anything I say that we need for my son still. I haven't been able to work this entire pregnancy because I am on bed rest so we have very little for my son right now. my mom was supposed to be helping us with our bassinet and crib and she informs me this morning we have to get it. in fact that we have to buy him everything no one is buying him a single thing they are coming to the shower for free food that's all. not a single friend of mine or my husband's is showing up (Goes to show who your real friends are) and our dryer keeps going out so replacing parts on it every pay day is becoming a real pain and getting very expensive but we don't have the money to buy a new one because we are being left to buy everything for our son. I am very very stresses at the moment. thankful for my son yes. just very stressed. @nygirl3rdbabymiami
09.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
be grateful for a healthy baby growing inside you that needs you *wants you to be happy♡
09.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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