It helped my son! I gave him a milk bath ( just put enough milk in to make the water cloudy). I soaked the wash cloth in the bath and put it on his head. Then I brushed his head with a baby brush. It hasn't come back yet
@kaityamelia, you have to put a lot of coconut oil like globs lol then let it sit for an hour. Two hours works best and use a bristle brush not a comb that will irritate their scalp. I never had a problem with my son and his was on his eyebrows and cheeks as well.
@foreverlaquan, I did it as I said 3 times a week for about 3 months and it went away completely. He has hit had it since then and he is 10 month. Also try not to comb it when it's dry. It can pull your baby's hair put and they will have bald spots. You should always moisturize with the coconut oil to soften it up then brush it comb.
I used coconut oil an hour before bath time then I would wash his hair and scrub it with a soft bristle brush in circles in the tub and rise with shampoo. You can also add coconut oil through out the day if you see it getting dry. I also only showered him 3 times a week.