@ash1614, not harder for me personally it just made the pain way more INTENSE, and my contractions were back to back like seconds in between. I barely had time to breath in between. But I'll tell you what I went from 4 cm to 10 cm in about an hour or less. I wouldn't recommend anyone have pitocin with no epidural.
I had 3 babies all natural. my last one I was nervous with because I've NEVER had to have pitocin. I was so scared of having a c section, because I wasn't progressing like I should've been. My water had slowly been leaking without pit I only progressed to 4cm by myself. once b it kicked in the pain was intense I actually asked for an epidural but by that time it was to late. I think it's normal to get nervous. my first 2 I labored at home and got to the hospital with enough time to have a baby. this little one was different lol