Lauren Butcher
Lauren Butcher
can someone tell me how do I get him to latch? and how do I know if he is feeding? I feel like I'm failing 😢

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thank you @mimibear just seems every time I put my nipples to his mouth he starts screaming, like he doesn't want them!
I called them @tg123456789 and they are coming out Tuesday, seemed a while but he is pooing and peeing, so she says I'm clearly doing something right xc
07.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had this issue for the first few days and was worried she wasn't latching properly (overly large nipples lol) but persevere and you will get there!! as long as you make sure baby is taking the while nipple and some breast tissue, then when feeding check to see whether Lil ones cheeks are filling out with each suck.
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
canm u ring health visitor or nip bk into hosp and they will show u? ur not failing him at all ur a new mum and if u look nearly all breast feeding mums have same issue on here. they will show u though. xx
06.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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