So I live with my sons father but we are no longer together. He sleeps on the couch and I sleep in my room and the only time we really talk is when we need to go to the doctors or grocery shopping or something like that. Now I haven't been the best person to him in the beginning and I take full responsibility as to why he acts the way he does to me. My first trimester really freaked me out and I ran back to my ex because it was comfortable and now that I've had time to realize what's important it's too late. So now every day that goes by we become strangers living together he's cold as ice. But I know the real me. Yes I messed up in the beginning but I am capable of loving him and being faithful and everything he needs.. I just want to prove it to him but the rejection angers me. I need to be more patient but it hurts.. feeling so alone and as if I ruined my family.... I'm afraid to move out and look at my son every day thinking about how I broke his fathers heart...also, these last weeks are dragging. So close yet so far away..
My hubby did me wrong and we did same thing until he was evicted
08.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
have you told him how you feel? exactly what you just stated? he's probably still hurting but try to talk to him and tell him. also just try to be positive. if it's meant to be it'll happen. so sorry your going through this.
It's never too late, if he wants to work it out, do so, but we are humans we make mistakes, we learn from it and become better people, with experience in life, but also understand that because of one mistake, we should sentence our selfs to frustration, waiting, and loss of affection, humans need affectionate, if your both 100% in fixing the relationship be all in, start over, work it out, don't fall in a guilt trap where he puts you down, and you lose your self and self esteem, if he can't see your sorry and trying and nothing's changing, move on, there's someone for everyone, staying on a life trial will make your son miserable and will teach him how women should be treated because he watches what you except, and dad deals out, both people truly happy together or apart will show, you can never fool the eyes of a child they know a lot more then we give them credit for.