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I want thoughts on exclusive pumping then bottle feeding.
I wanted so much to breastfeed my daughter, but she wouldn't stay awake. I had all different nurses trying to wake her to eat, but she wouldn't. When she finally would wake she wouldn't keep a latch. I was told my nipples might be to big for her mouth. They are close to a a sizable of a quarter round.
I got home and was hurting so bad so I took a shower which helped, but not long. So I started pumping. I'm pumping now every 2-3 hours and getting between 2-5 ozs each time.

I'm hoping this will last at least 3 more weeks until I go back to work. I will still try to pump, but my work isn't where I can stop and pump.

So just wanting thoughts on this.

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I try the brat breast and she just cries
05.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would pump and freeze. also try the breast for each feeding then offer bottle. I'm thinking eventually she will get the hang of it and you can exclusively bf
05.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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