@6.5.16, @babes101116 @jazzyjazz @kimberkatherine @lilmommy93 @luvmyboyz @marissamorris @mrsbutler @naturalbornwinner Thank you ladies for your help I continued breastfeeding and I'm getting use to it.. Putting breast milk on my nipples helped as well.. 😊🙌🏻
you can also use your own breast milk to help... just squeeze some out and rub it on each nipple and let it air dry. also pumping will help relieve the hardness. your engorged if it's that hard
oh man those first couple of days are hard! when I was having issues I had to use a nipple shield. then I would sit in the shower and put a little bit of pressure on my boobs (where they get hard) so that a little bit would release. hold strong and don't give up. I promise it gets better
My nipples hurt so much for the first 3 days or so. Work a little milk out of your nipple and let it sit on your nipple where they are cracked and bleeding. The most natural way for them to heal is to put your own breast milk on them!! Mine healed within a couple of days. Also, try waking your baby and enticing it to eat when your breasts are engorged. Use warm compresses on them and ice packs after a feeding to help soften them and massage them in the shower with warm water hitting them. They will feel better within a week or so!
For the first couple of weeks your nipples will hurt and you will probably have moments of engorgement until your body regulates how much milk your baby is drinking each feeding. Try lanolin for your nipples, helped me out tons!
I just started to do that last night but omg my nipples have been torn. My milk just came in yesterday that I was discharged.. Thanks @6.5.16best.day.ever