I officially don't understand why anyone would want to deliver early. granted my baby was measuring at about two weeks behind and I delivered right at 37 weeks but now my little girl is in the nicu hooked up to a bunch of cords and I feel like I'm missing so many opportunities to bond with her. :'(

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I had preeclampsia had to have my son the day I turned 37 weeks his sugar was low so he stayed in the nicu & I felt so guilty even tho I couldn't of done anything about . I hated it so much so I get a little upset when I see people wanted to go in to labor early because I would've loved to carry my little man longer .
04.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
i feel i got lucky. my blood pressure kept getting higher so they decided to induce and ended in csection at 36 weeks 4 days and he was perfectly healthy and no NICU time
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My water broke at 37 weeks, my baby boy is healthy as can be. I had no complications what so ever during labor. He will be 2 months on the 20th. I hope your baby gets better prayers to you both.❤️
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
i know how u feel i delivered my son 2 weeks early and my son was in the NICU as well. .it was really hard on me cuz theres nothing i can do..
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son was born at 36weeks and he is perfectly healthy as can be, 4months now about to turn 5months. No time in the NICU at all. I was induced cause my fluids was low and it was for the safely for both of us. And aww I am so sorry to hear that Mommy 😕😢 Hope ur baby will be fine I will pray for y'all. 🙏🏼🙏🏼😘❤️ @rkline03
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jennatess, Seriously! All I ever did was what my doctor recommended or wanted to do! But then again I can also understand if your past your due date and want to speed up process a bit naturally! But I see these girls at like 37/38/39 weeks and their like okay I'm ready! And I'm like ready for what? Their fully developed at 39 weeks and then how do you know if your not actually like 37/38 weeks? Lol some people..
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I wasn't induced or anything I went in with a ton of bleeding and had inconsistent contractions the whole time they thought i had an abruption and were trying to buy me time and monitoring me but they didn't think I was in actual labor until my water broke at 1 in the morning and she was here at 3:37 in the morning.
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Amen @jennatess Keyword:estimated! I never tried any of that inducing crap! I made it to 40 weeks and I was fine with that! I let nature take its course and let my baby decide when he was ready not me! Like people, you wanted that child, you created that child, and then your gonna rush them out because "your tired of being pregnant"?? Get outta here.
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jaxmama, 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 its 42 weeks max. Your days are literally numbered. It blows my mind just how impatient girls can be.
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@vella89, she was born at 3:37am on Friday and we are still here with high hopes of getting to go home tomorrow
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I understand this. My son was born at 35 weeks and 4 days and was in the NICU for a week exactly
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Andddd to the people who say "but I'm 39 weeks, I'm ready.". NO. It's called an estimated* due date for a reason. It's not always accurate. Mine wasn't! || You're a brave mama! ❤️
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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