how do you know when a baby is colicky?

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They cry all the time.. My first had colic, and she literally NEVER stopped crying for more than ten or so minutes at a time. FINALLY at 6 months old we discovered she had a severe milk allergy (started with tummy aches and gas, and eventually she started breaking out and swelling up) so we switched her formula to nutramigen. It was like a totally different baby after the switch! My second born son had colic and was breastfed, so I cut dairy out of my diet and it seemed to have worked. He was much less fussy afterwards. My other two boys seem like angel babies compared to my daughter and second born son because they only cry if they need something! If your baby seems uncomfortable, gassy, bloated, and cries constantly those are the signs I've learned to look for when describing a colicky baby.
03.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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