maybe you can hire a sitter/nanny that's willing to bring her to you during class break so you can breastfeed. I had my baby mid semester and ended up having to do that. not ideal but it worked!
I'm taking online n the bogg waiver paid for my units and I'm still gunna get financial aid for two classes 6 units. The classes I picked are not main courses I'm taking child and drama. English and math I am going to be taking in class once LO is bigger
I could, but I would then have to pay out of pocket. I have a pell grant and they will only pay for 3 credit hours, 6 credit hours, or 12 credit hours. I could see how many credit hours each class is though! I'm just afraid to start online and then not want to finish like how I was in high school. I hated it so much. @jennifer820
I did online for high school and it was really hard. I could try again, now that I'm in a different program for college but I'd rather be there in person. I'm so torn. I've always loved school and I'm going to be a teacher, but I don't want to leave my baby. I've only ever breastfed her, she's had one bottle and nothing since. I just can't stand that I would have to bottle feed if I'm at school. 😔 there's nothing wrong with bottle feeding I've just always had a goal of EBFing. @babes101116