Do u ladies work? Any stay at home moms? Any hold down full time jobs while being preggie and have other children too? I wanna go part time soooo bad. I'm so tired all the time. I have a full time job, a 11 month old and I'm preggie. It's so hard. I need encouragement.

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I'm a stay at home mom. if I worked, daycare would take my entire check and part of my fiances. so I clean the house, teach my toddler, play games, learn to cook haha
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I just had my twins Thursday but I worked full time up till I was 34 weeks and then I couldn't no more I have 3 other children as well
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I work part time, but 8-12 pm. It's exhausting then coming home and being up half the night
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm a stay at home mom to my 4 week baby boy. I am EXHAUSTED. I couldn't imagine going out and working and coming home to do this and start over. Working mommas are AMAZING fricking warriors.
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Props to you, you got this 👏!
I'm a stay at home mom of a two year old and I feel so exhausted just chasing him around 24/7 and doing regular household things. I know how it is to work full time and be a full time mom but I don't know how it is to work, do those regular mom things and be pregnant since I haven't done it. I give much kudos to all working mommas 💝💝
01.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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